Friday, October 18, 2019

The Priority for Glenmeadie's Innovation Efforts Essay

The Priority for Glenmeadie's Innovation Efforts - Essay Example Marketing experts should be aware that the product is the thing that they’re selling, and innovation in this field is also necessary to build a customer base. The purpose of this essay is to explore how Glenmeadie can balance their innovation efforts between the product and new types of marketing in an effort to impress new customers and build a loyal customer fan base, by using the Ansoff and 8Ps frameworks to provide an illustration on how best to tackle the issues at hand. Glenmeadie The information provided by Nunes & Driggs (2006) paints an outline of Glenmeadie. As a Scotch whiskey distillery, Glenmeadie has won 7 gold medals in one season on a national and international scale, suggesting an upmarket taste and therefore suggesting a target market of whiskey connoisseurs. The marketing campaign led by Bob consists of international efforts to put on Tastemakers events in 25 cities, starting in New York. The aim is to spend $15,000 on each event, offering tastes of various whiskeys and bringing in efforts from an apprentice distiller and buyers from local distributors. Glenmeadie is also trying to give a more personal face to the brand, having interactive websites and creating loyalty card programs. ... Rayport, Stephen Dull and Joe Scafido. Scafiado, a member of the executive council at Dunkin’ brands, raises concerns about the fact that the front- and back-house innovations programs seem to be presented as separate enterprise. This is mainly because they seem to have separate functions in marketing, with product development being considered part of back-room company enterprises and marketing focusing on customer involvement and sales. However, this is a limited perspective on the matter. At Dunkin’ brands, Scafiado brought together the culinary team and the operating specialists into one department, meaning that any culinary development is being innovated simultaneously with efforts on how to present this to the company. Herman, who is president of Lebanon, agrees that Glenmeadie should be focusing efforts on product excellence as well as drawing customers in with these innovative marketing campaigns. After all, it is the product that is being sold, not the marketing scheme. Rayport, founder and chairman of Marketspace, sees things differently. Although Glenmeadie has reported some stress on research and development budgets, Rayport suggests that this can only be a positive thing, even for Ellis, the distiller. Rayport even goes as far to suggest that Ellis’ argument against expansion in marketing efforts is a paradox, as Ellis cannot have the freedom to create and innovate in the distillery without an expanded market and expanded profits. Dull, vice president of strategy at Greensboro, sees things a little differently. Dull suggests that Glenmeadie is a luxury product, as a whiskey, and therefore the aims of the company to branch into mass-marketing are a mistake. Dull suggests that there hasn’t been much of an

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