Monday, October 7, 2019

Advertising Individual CW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advertising Individual CW - Essay Example All the products are priced at very low competitive prices due to the cost saving techniques the company uses to pass the benefits to its customers. We want the people of Marylebone to try out the new trader Joe grocery store and experience a fresh and unique hassle free shopping experience that is unforgettable. The store uses a cultural approach that caters for all traditions while at the same time giving its customers the chance to sample varied and new cultural experiences. Trade Joes stores are different, bigger, with walls decked with cedar planks and their employees wear cool Hawaiian shirts (Trade Joe, Our Story 2012). This gives its customers a fantastic and relaxing shopping experience. Starting as a small chain of convenience stores in the 1950s called Pronto market convenience stores (Gardetta, 2011), Trader Joe has grown tremendously in size, increasing the number of its stores to over three hundred and fifty across American states and has successfully created a large an d loyal customer base in all the states; through its innovative and creative business practices and the company’s desire to fully satisfy its customers’ needs and requirements through excellent customer care and customer feedback (Fast Company, 2011). Trader Joe’s listens and fully responds to the needs of all its customers and it wants to bank on its previous success in America by offering the same unique services and products to the London market. The new Trader Joe advertisement will primarily target single male and female consumers who live alone. The target market is health conscious and college educated, with a household income of above $54000 (The Associated Press, 2003) and who are most likely to have no children at home. The company targets this segment of the London society that is cost-conscious and keen on what they eat hence the use of clear labels on Trader Joe’s products for easy label reading and who would appreciate the different size of packages to cater for single consumers for convenience of use. These customers are very mobile and most likely to have a wide knowledge of exotic foods and beverages. They are adventurous and would not hesitate to try out the diverse and unique varieties offered by Trader Joe grocery shop. Major Selling Idea or Key Benefit to Communicate Trader Joe stores boast of over 2000 unique and high quality products (Trade Joe, 2006) which provide better alternatives to health conscious and environmentally friendly individuals. Over 80% of the high quality products stocked in our grocery stores are branded with trader Joe’s trademark (Kowitt, 2010) as a sign of high quality. These foods are organically produced and have no pesticides suitable for the health conscious individuals. Many of the limited Trader Joe’s products addresses the different consumer needs in their research and development departments with primary focus on quality, packaging and cultural preferences of the cu stomers (Llopis, 2011). The store gives everybody something to love and something to use. Trader Joe is an equal employment company with above average salaries and other employment benefits. It has both permanent and temporally positions. This will benefit the community in a large way by contributing to the economy which will create a good public perception necessary for a successful entry into the market. The Single Most Important Thought You Want A Member Of The Target Audience To Take Away From The

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