Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Apple and Best Buy Essay Example

Apple and Best Buy Paper These factors are important because before an organization can egging strategy formulation, it must scan the internal environment for strengths and weaknesses and their external environment to identify possible opportunities and threats (Wheeled Hunger). In this paper I will describe the internal and external environments of Apple and Best Buy using an environmental scan. I will also determine what their competitive advantages and strategies are. Apples Internal and External Environments Strengths Apple is a very successful company and has many strengths. It is a geographically diverse business with a strong research and development team. Apple has an innovative culture and strong workforce. Apple has bargaining power with retailers and outstanding customer loyalty. Apple has a strong brand and reputation. Apple also makes a lot of money and dont have any debt. Weaknesses Even though Apple is a very successful company they still have some weakness. Apple products are expensive and some products lack customization. Because Apple products are so great, which makes them premium products they can be expensive for many consumers. Some Apple products are considers a distraction electronic device. Accidents such as auto-mobile crashes have been caused by people using electronic devices. Opportunities Apple has some great opportunities such as off-the-shelf military procurement. To reduce cost and increase speed to development the Military is buying off the shelf Apple software and hardware. Phone APS is another big opportunity for Apple. Apple APS produces thousands of small programs that utilize the phones unique capabilities which creates barriers to entry for the phone. We will write a custom essay sample on Apple and Best Buy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Apple and Best Buy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Apple and Best Buy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This helps increase revenue for Apple. Threats A big threat for Apple Face Time capability is Keep. Because Keep is coming available on more devices it has a negative impact On Apple Face Time capability. Googles Android smart phone is another threat for Apple because its the number one competitor in the smart phone sector. Cost of production is also a threat for Apple because it takes from Apples profit. Best Buy Internal and External Environments Best buy is another great company with many strengths. They are a global market leader with outstanding service. Best Buy Mobile and Busty. Com are also strengths. Best buy has international expansion and a unique in store marketing plan. They also have in-house brands like insignia and they have powerful customer loyalty. Best buy is engrossed on customer service and variety, also they have pricing power over their customers and suppliers. From the geek squad to sales people, there is an innovative culture at Best buy. They have exclusive brands and their brand name allows premium pricing. Weaknesses Best buy also has some weakness such as bad customer service and they need more knowledgeable employees in specific areas. They have undifferentiated products and the none commissioned based sales causes errors not to be motivated. One of Best buys main attractions are DVDs and blue ray disc, and they are becoming less popular. The large store format at Best buy dont fit all customers and their warranty programs could use improving. Opportunities Best buy have some great opportunities such as online growth potential and the State taxes on online sales may possibly spin growth. There store branded products could increase margins and new products and services could increase revenue. More innovation could help best buy because it would add alee. Threats A big threat for Best buy is strong competitors and the digital media rely on physical products and is hurting best buys profits. Some of the smaller products that Best buy sell are becoming more desirable. But, they are brought over the internet easily. Electronics are cheaper online and they have intense competition for stores like Best buy. Lastly the substitute for lower margin products could hurt best buy. Apples Competitive Advantages and Strategies One of Apples competitive advantages is that multiple products that integrate as one and the constant, never-ending change in Apples business climate. Its hard for Apple customers to tell the difference between their product apart from for the size and shape. There is no other company that has efficiently corralled customers to other seemingly different products by getting them to purchase just one. Another one of Apples competitive advantages that really stands out is in marketing. Apple recognizes what will get customers enthusiastic about its products, and then they fulfils that vision. Apple shows how the computer will make your life better, rather than liking the about features and technology. Apple has manufactured a truly sustainable competitive advantage and created value by locking in deals with big record labels such as Universal, Warner Sony, and MME. Clouds generates 30% of revenue alone.. Best Buys Competitive Advantages and Strategies Historicity Best Buy competitive advantage has been pricing. They also have competitive advantage by being the largest source for electronics in most cities. Locality is also a big plus for Best buy, they currently operates 1,347 stores across the united States. If Best Buy is the closest place to pick up a new television, computer, or Pad, its likely they will get your business because, Best Buy is convenient for the majority of American populations to shop at. Now that other specialty electronics retailers have dropped out of the market, Best Buy has that sector of the market to themselves. Another one of Best Buy competitive advantage is service installation and advice. Conclusion In conclusion SOOT analysis is the simplest way to conduct environmental scanning. SOOT important because before an organization can begin strategy ruination, it must scan the internal environment for strengths and weaknesses and their external environment to identify possible opportunities and threats (Wheeled Hunger). Apple and Best buy are two very successful companies and has many strengths, but you must consider the weaknesses, opportunities, and threats before you begin strategy formulation.

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