Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Marketing - Essay Example The NMC, ROI and ROS need to be seen from the tactical and strategic perspectives before one thinks of adopting any of these three or a combination of all of them for the sake of the business. b) Evaluate the employment of profit-oriented marketing objectives in general from a moral-ethical perspective. From a moral-ethical perspective, the profit-oriented marketing objectives must always be aligned in such a way that the people do not suffer due to the same count. This is because the profit-oriented marketing tactics are always aimed at benefiting more and more from the organizational stance. The moral-ethical perspective is such that it is on the opposite side all the same where it focuses more on the people and the society at large rather than mincing any profits or benefits in the long run scheme of things (Wood, 2011). The moral-ethical perspective is such that it will always bank on delivering sound results, however in keeping with the debates of morality more than profit-makin g at the end of the day.

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