Thursday, July 18, 2019

History of Uganda Essay

In the year 1890 to 1926, the British government forged what is today the country called Uganda although they are not the initial unity negotiators in the country. The derivation of the name Uganda was from the kingdom of Buganda. This kingdom encompasses the southern portion which includes Kampala, its capital city. Prior to the unification of the country by the British, the country was under the control of the dynasty of the Bachwezi. These are the same people who had an influence upon Rwanda, the government of Tanzania as well as Congo in the period 1100 to 1600 AD (Akallo & Alford 38-40). Background Information about Uganda The nation of Uganda is an East African landlocked country which takes its name from the kingdom of the Buganda. This has the encompassing of the portion in the southern part of the nation which incorporates Kampala, its capital city. This East African country borders Kenya, Sudan, DRC, Rwanda and Tanzania. It is land locked and its southern side is made up of Lake Victoria where the borders to Kenya and Tanzania intersect (White 1-6). About the LRA The Lords Resistance Army is a guerrilla army of a sectarian type whose base is in the northern part of Uganda. The LRA emerged out of the wreckage of the Uganda National Liberation Army in 1986, and settled down by Joseph Kony in early 1987. The activities of the group include armed rebellion directed to the Ugandan government making it a major conflict in Africa as one of the longest-running conflicts LRA was involved in committing abuses as well as atrocities of high magnitude ranging from abduction, maiming, raping of the female, mass killing of the civilians and mostly the children. The movement also played a pivotal role in the destabilization of the northern region of Uganda operating from Sudan, which was their base. They also congregated in an eastern region in Congo called Bunia. They made links with Army for Liberation of Rwanda, the (ALIR) among other rebel groups (White 1-6). LRA came into being in 1987 for the purpose of engagement in the armed rebellion directed to the government of Uganda. This has been a major conflict in Africa. The leader of the group, Joseph Kony was in a position for self proclamation as Gods spokesman as well as a Holy Spirit medium. According to the belief of the Acholi, there is a possibility for diverse forms of manifestation by the Holy Spirit. This group holds to syncretistic blend involving the Christianity, the mysticism as well as Islam, the traditional religions in Uganda as well as witchcraft. The claims of the group are the establishment of theocratic state whose basis is the Ten Commandments in line with the tradition of the Acholi. This group has been a focus for accusations for the violation of human rights. This include actions of murder, forcing of the children to take part in the violent hostilities, their abduction and mutilation, sexual enslavement of the children as well as women The origin and history of the LRA The army is projected to contain two thousand members functioning in northern parts of Uganda as well as southern part of Sudan. The army has been propped by the nation of Sudan. Majority of its operations are based in the northern parts of Uganda although there is evidence of its operations in some regions in the DRC of Congo as well as Sudan (Akallo & Alford 38-40). Ideology of the LRA The LRA reportedly is responsible for the evocation of the nationalism of Acholi people on occasion, but majority of the observers have a negative feeling with regard to the sincerity of their activities. The motives behind the operations of the group are the overthrowing of the incumbent government of Uganda with the consequent replacement of the regime that will comply with the implementation of the Christianity brand of the group. In frequent occasions, the group is involved in the kidnapping as well as the assassination of the local civilians for the purpose of the discouragement of any foreign investment as well as the precipitation of the crisis in the government (Akallo & Alford 38-40). What the LRA have done The group terrorized the locals people, theft from villages, flaming huts, cruel mutilation of the villagers. Massacres and atrocities took place to people in many villages. Majority of those people were displaced from their homes and were forced by the circumstances to live in the caps where life was miserable. The access to food as well as medical care among other human necessities was difficult to obtain. The group abducted vulnerable children to make foot-soldiers this made them to forfeit their chances for schooling as well as the development of their social lives. The children were forced to kill people mainly the villagers, their family members or even friends. LRA killed over 200 people and kidnapped at least 20 children from villages over a three-day period in the past 20yrs. So far, The LRA has abducted over 20,000 children, forcing boys to fight as soldiers and girls to serve as sex or labor slaves. (United Nations) How the LRA affected the people’s lives in Uganda Many people in Uganda lost their home and lives. Children who were used to be child soldiers have been suffered in physical or emotional ways. LRA has been documented as having abducted above 60 000 children as well as youth in Uganda. In every three of the male adolescent, one of them has been abducted, while in every 6 of the female adolescent, one of them has been abducted. The young women as well as the girls of the origin of the Acholi as well as the Langi are used to perform some chores while in captivity for the rebels and their abductors. These include fetching water, cooking, carrying of supplies, cleaning for the commanders of the army. They also played the roles of forced wives to the group members and therefore the majorities were impregnated. Increasing HIV / AIDS rate The conflict of LRA has a great effect on the children due to escalating incidences of premature sex, premature marriages, defilements of great magnitudes, incidences of rape as well as sexual harassment. In the extreme of these situations the young girls as well as women who are the victims of the abduction are made wives to the rebels. This has an implication of exposure to HIV/AIDs. These young women upon being rescued from the rebels usually encounter difficult life situations leading to their involvement in prostitution. The same applies to those who have been displaced and resort to live in camps. This has also contributed to escalating cases of HIV/AIDs. This situation is common ion the northern region of Uganda (Gatwech 23-43). Uganda has seen one of the most effective national responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic on the African continent. According to the Uganda Aids Commission, so far, around 130,000 Ugandans are infected with the HIV virus every year. Over 1,000,000 (one million) citizens in the country of Uganda is the actual estimate subsisting with HIV, 520,000 of them being women while 110,000 of them are children (Gatwech 23-43). The lives of the ex-child soldiers were distorted by the effects of the involvement in the activities of the group. It was difficult for the children to go back to schools. Majority of the were in a situation that they needed some more chances in order to resume to normal life. This is because to the majority abduction took place at a stage that was early in life. The young soldiers greatly fear to take involvement in revenge as well as a chance of acceptance. Majority of the citizens consider these kids to be killers but the fact is that they are usually very good people (Gatwech 23-43). Conclusion and solutions In conclusion, to solve this internal conflict, the government is duty bound to conduct the development as well as the implementation of the most comprehensive strategy addressing issue of security, humanitarian action as well as political action. The army should be reformed as well as re-oriented which is only achievable through the provision of a path responsible for the negotiation and allow for the transition of the country to greater democracy. The life of the young children who took part in the conflict is at peril and the responsibility of their rehabilitation falls on the government. Works Cited Akallo, Grace. & Alford, Deann. â€Å"Survived Hell† Ignite Your Faith Vol. 65 Issue 8, p38-40 2007. Gatwech, Shame. â€Å"More victims of LRA rebels revealed in South Sudan† Sudan Tribune p23-43, 2009. White, C. Todd, â€Å"Uganda† Country Report p1-6, 6p, 2007

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